A look inside the keg shed

The packaging shed is managed by colleagues Bart Lensen and Willy Verdriet. What exactly does working in the packaging warehouse entail? What are the challenges and what is the best thing about the job? We asked Bart Lensen.

“A lot of contact with colleagues in the warehouse, from transport and (external) drivers, that’s what I like about this job.”

How long have you worked at Willem Dijk?

Phew, that’s a good question. I know my first pay slip is from 1999. Via Willem jr. I started here with all kinds of odd jobs, then also picking orders in the warehouse, washing trucks, etc. Actually, I completely rolled into it and now for several years now, together with colleague Willy, I have been responsible for the packaging warehouse, but also for all kinds of jobs related to transport and our fleet.

Nice job?

Absolute! It is very varied what I do in a day. I never spend a few hours on the same task, I like that.

What is your main task?

That is managing incoming packaging. Sorting packaging, doing random checks of returned packaging, passing packaging on to transport so that they can register it, waste processing and so on.

What else do you do?

As I said, our activities are very broad. We make sure things run smoothly on the lake. I regularly move trucks, put them at the right dock. We take the cars to the garage, with such a large fleet there is a lot of maintenance that needs to be arranged. But we also do minor maintenance ourselves of, for example, roll containers and other internal equipment. Disposing of waste is also part of our job. All those tasks ensure that you have a lot of variation in your work. We also have a lot of contact with colleagues in the warehouse, from transport and (external) drivers, which I also really enjoy.

Are there challenges in your work?

Sorting kegs is not always as easy as it seems. Many crates come in mixed, so it is a job to sort this in the right way. The new system (ADS) makes it easier to control casks. We are still developing, which is nice to notice.